Finger Limes

No. Contact your local nursery to find out the best place to purchase a finger lime tree.


No. The color of the rind varies depending on the time of the season and whether or not the trees are getting cool or hot weather. The cooler trees tend to produce a dark purple or brown skin color. The warmer trees tend to produce finger limes that have a bright green skin color.

The pearls come in a wide range of colors. There is no correlation between skin color and pulp color though; therefore no way to predict what the color of the pearls will be based on the color of the finger lime skin. The colors range from bright neon green, light green, champagne, light pink and vibrant pink. They are all the same variety and taste the same.

When stored in refrigeration they will last at least 2-3 weeks from the day they ship out

The sizing will range depending on the time of the season. The finger limes will be anywhere from 1.5 inches – 2 inches long, and 0.3 inches – 0.5 inches in diameter.

The finger lime season starts mid-July and runs until late December early January.ane content

They have been producing commercially quantities of fruit since fall of 2010.


No. Please read our shipping guidelines carefully when you place your order so that you know when to expect the finger limes to arrive.

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